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Health checking

When you are running an inway or an outway you firstly want to make sure it is running and secondly you want to know if the in/outway is ready to receive requests. Both the inway and the outway provide endpoints which allow you to check just that.


The liveness endpoint is reachable on health/live and will return a http status 200 OK when the in/outway has started.


The readiness endpoint is reachable on health/ready and will return http status 200 OK when the in/outway is ready to receive requests otherwise a http status 503 service unavailable will be returned.
The inway is ready when the service configuration has been loaded succefuly. The outway is ready when the service list has been retrieved from the directory.


By default the endpoints are reachable on port 8081. If you want to change this port you can do so by setting the monitoring-address flag when starting the in/outway.